The Seabornes
My dogs are the stars of the show (sometimes literally, if a little bit of luck is on our side) and my love for them and for Cavaliers—one of the most special breeds—is the reason I stay involved in this admittedly sometimes nutty hobby.
These are all Seaborne Cavaliers produced by me over the years, some living here and some belonging to friends.

Champion Seaborne Texxas Forever “Wyatt”
CH Djaxxon Of An Excellent Choice (Netherlands)- CH Seaborne Some Like It Hot (Chadwick/Maibee lines)
Wy finished his championship with two Specialty Majors and an all-breed Major, all from Bred-By. I was so proud of him—he could take or leave showing, but has always tried his heart out for me. He is the gentlest, sweetest dog and is just a pleasure to be around.

Seaborne Nobody’s Child “Selena”
Multi-CH King For A Day Of An Excellent Choice (Netherlands)- Epernay Tesoro (A UK CH Pascavale Nathan, ROM daughter)
14 compact pounds of pure sass and attitude! She is as naughty as she is hilarious. I absolutely love her type, temperament and structure.

GCH CH Seaborne Silver Lining For Katy, owned by Anetrius at Katy Cavaliers. Katy is by Multi-CH Riverdale Of An Excellent Choice (Netherlands) and out of CH Seaborne Pageant Material (A daughter of UK CH Pascavale Nathan, ROM and out of our wonderful Chadwick Premeditated)

My husband (he says he’s “unpaid kennel help”) with his pride and joy, Georgie
Seaborne Fire When Ready
Dutch/Belgian Champion Quick V.H. Boskamp Pad - Seaborne Playing With Matches (A GCH Meadowlake Phoenix Fawkes daughter)
George is actually really nice. He just turned one and should be out showing but his brother chewed his ear feathers completely off. So, George is home literally growing some hair! I’m excited about him and hope he can get in the ring in 2025.

This is Ozzie, who owns Ellen. Yes, he was this cute.

Blaise, the guilty ear-chewer

Seaborne Playing With Matches “Rosy” (a.k.a. Beef)
GCH CH Meadowlake Phoenix Fawkes FDC - CH Seaborne Some Like It Hot
Rosy’s dad, Fawkes, is a dog I’ve been fond of since he was a baby. I’m so grateful to Dorothy at Meadowlake for our spoiled little prima donna redhead.

Champion Seaborne Texxas Forever “Wyatt” (and his tongue)

two very young Seaborne babies after their first big-kid bath: not at all impressed with “s-paw” day
Otto, living the Very Good Life with Beth and Steve. Otto is a litter brother to our Selena (Seaborne Nobody’s Child).

Seaborne Newsbuoy “Levi”
GCH CH Orchard Hill News To Me - Epernay Tesoro
If you’ro one of the twelve people who’ve followed me for a hot minute on IG, then you know all about Levi, who owns my sister, Allyson. He is a very special little dog, born at 3.4 ounces and thriving. He is the older brother to Otto, Selena, Elliot, Ozzy and Dixie.

CH Seaborne Texxas Forever “Wyatt”
This was a 5-point Specialty Major (from Bred-By!). It felt fabulous since I am his breeder, owner, groomer, nanny, and handler. We went all the way from planning and hoping for his litter to this…wins like this one are so special.
Baby Otto. SCRUMPTIOUS. This is the Cavalier breed type I look for.
Grand Champion Seaborne Hot Flash “Bella”
CH Hurleaze Bristol Blue ROM - Chadwick Quick As A Flash (a multi-CH Sanickro Double Vision daughter)
Bella was so special. She made it to her -sixteenth- year before cancer ultimately had its say. A beautiful, smart, sassy little dog, and one who epitomized everything that is a good Cavalier.

Red alert! Teenaged Blaise, aka Seaborne 15 Minutes Of Flame

Rosy, who was clearly sooo psyched to be a reindeer. Sorry, kid. In exchange for being your handmaiden, this is your Cute Tax for living here.

This is what it looks like to go to the cardiologist and ophthalmologist with a pack of little dogs. it involved a too-early morning, a bit of spousal bickering, pickups and drop-offs, and extra coffee. But…the information gained is always priceless.
Seaborne Catwalk “Bee”
UK CH Cinderlace Cromwell - Chadwick Quick As A Flash
Dear, sweet Bee. Probably the loveliest dog I’ve ever had, both inside and out. She was Bella’s sister.
Little miss Nobody’s Child/Selena, again. I kid you not: I offered this puppy to not one, not two…but SEVEN different people on my puppy waiting list, hence her name. For whatever reasons, the timing just wasn’t right for any of them. By the time #7 turned her down I was totally attached to her, and vice versa. She stayed. Turns out it was a good decision: she’s a freaking riot. She is so cute I can’t stand it. I may try showing her—if I can convince her it’s worth it.
It’s so hard to raise these babies…and let them go! It really is. I think people think breeders don’t care or are “just in it for the money.” That couldn’t be further from the truth here.

Rosy, sampling a photo box for me
Chadwick Raven
CH Delhaze Hans Solo (UK) - Chadwick Quick As A Flash
Raven was from the first Cavalier litter I ever bred years ago, and she lived to be 14. Her dad, Elliot, was my first Cavalier; we brought him over as a youngster from the UK from his wonderful breeders, Hazel and Eddie, not long after his sire had taken BOB at Crufts in a typically-huge entry (sadly, we don’t see entries that big anymore). Raven’s mom was my precious Chloe, a cracking tri girl from Anne at Chadwick. I am forever indebted and grateful to all of them for such a good start.

Yes, they’re all from the same litter! Dad was a Ruby, mom was a Blenheim, and we had some of each. I love all four Cavalier colors but admit to being really partial to a good Tri or Ruby.

Seaborne Hotspur “Caleb”
Chantismere Caruso At Chadwick - GCH Seaborne Hot Flash
He was only shown a couple of times as he grew a bit too much! BUT. This handsome guy is still here and doing great at 13. He is still board-certified cardiac CLEAR and looks and acts half his age. Hopefully he has passed on some of these great genes to his kids, grandkids and now great-grandkids.
Knowing pedigrees, working with other ethical breeders, trying to choose the right dogs in a potential breeding, doing health testing year in and year out and having wonderful veterinarians isn’t a magic bullet…but it definitely stacks your odds.

Baby Mira! I never get anything done when puppies are around. You can see why.

Seaborne 99 Problems “Mira”
UK/AKC/CKCSC CH Pascavale Tommy - Chadwick Premeditated
Mira at one. She was a true Pandemic puppy, born right at the outset of the whole mess. This is us in 2021 at an educational function.

litters are a literal labor of love. The baby second from the left was much smaller than her brothers and was tube-fed every 2 hours for 14 days. let that sink in. I was a zombie. It was a big day when she was strong enough to nurse on her own. She became a healthy 15-pound adult.

CH Seaborne Hot Flash “Zoe”
Seaborne Hotspur - Chadwick Premeditated
This is a recent photo of Zoe, Rosy and Wyatt’s mom and a new “senior” girl at almost 8. I have no words for how much I love this whip-smart, sweet, faultless dog.
As an aside, my husband worked in Alaska for a couple of years and I frequently flew back and forth from Texas while he was there…Zoe was my traveling companion. She’s bolted from ravens in Whittier, chased ground squirrels in Denali, gone on midnight-sun coffee runs, and tried—unsuccessfully—to meet sea lions in Seward. Ask me about the bear (really) sometime.

Champion Seaborne Pageant Material “Texana” (with Rose)
UK/AKC/CKCSC CH Pascavale Nathan ROM - Chadwick Premeditated
Texana, or Anna, is hilarious, bossy, beautiful, full of herself and a great favorite of one of my adult sons, who nicknamed her…Oogie. Which she answers to.

Baby Texana, 5 weeks. I knew right here that I had a good one. (And. Lookit her baggy little puppy socks!)

Epernay Tesoro “Tess”
UK/AKC/CKCSC CH Pascavale Nathan ROM - Epernay Paper Moon
I didn’t breed Tess—she came to me from Dana at Epernay Cavaliers, and I am so grateful. When Tess was a baby Dana looked at her and remarked, “She looks like she wants to live at -your- house.” Dana was right: I loved Tess from Day One. She is 6 now and gave us both Levi and Selena; she was also a total joy to live with and the best hunter here. If you’re a gecko…you’d better run. Tess is now retired and living with our friends Art and Suzanne, who also have her full litter sister, Tilda.

If it’s not fun…why do it?